2024 has almost come to an end. We've now decided to take a look at just how many episodes characters appeared in this year.
Here's how many Coronation Street episodes Dee-Dee Bailey has been in so far...
A year in summary: Dee-Dee Bailey
Dee-Dee Bailey has had a HUGE year and has been at the centre of a massive storyline.
Falling in love with Joel Deering, Dee-Dee was looking forward to getting wed to him on September 27th. However, everything fell apart before then.
It turned out that Joel had attacked Lauren and had been grooming her. He had then got her pregnant.
Dee-Dee was horrified to find out that Joel had tried to abort Lauren's baby.
With Dee-Dee ending things with Joel before the wedding, she was desperate to get him locked up. However, Lauren ended up killing Joel with a rock before this could happen.
After Joel's death, Dee-Dee then discovered that she was pregnant with Joel's baby after sleeping with him once despite being celibate.
2024 Dee-Dee Bailey Coronation Street episode count revealed
It may or may not come as a surprise to some that Dee-Dee is the character with the most appearances in 2024.
The character appeared in 197 episodes of the soap, stemming from January 1st - 29th November. More episodes should be added to this figure before the month is out. But, will 2025 be kinder to Dee-Dee?
Are you a fan of Dee-Dee Bailey?